A brief video script can be seen in Youtube. Please go to Youtube and type in the title and my name: “Candlelight in a Storm by Naveen Sridhar”. As of now, the web address for access is:
The book “Candlelight in a Storm” has been recently published also in German uder the title “Kerzenlicht im Sturm: Geschichte einer Deutschen”, by Tredition Verlag, Hamburg, ISBN: 978-3-7345-4291-6. It is available in online shops like amazon.de and also at https://tredition.de/buchshop.
A Hollywood Treatment of the book is now available at the publishers’. For this kindly contact jpotts@authorsolutions.com
“This memoir/biography shows what happens when cultures and political systems grate and clash against one another, as an Indian-born husband examines the course of his marriage by exploring the biography of his German wife. Born during World War II in Berlin, Renate spends her childhood battling for an education against the barriers placed in her way by the police state that was East Germany. After manipulating her way to West Berlin, she meets and falls in love with the author,…..
Ashvamegh International Journal of English Literature Issue XII: January 2016 Book Name: Candlelight in a Storm Author: Naveen Sridhar (Germany) Published by authorHouse Pages: 261 Reviewed by Alok Mishra “Let me have the liberty to start it with a quote from the book: “There are events in one’s life that one would like to forget the very next day but will linger and haunt the life for decades.” pp 185. I would further my steps even more and would change…..
Event Location 2015 Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 Guadalajara Book Fair 2016 American Library Association-Annual 2016 American Library Association-Midwinter 2016 Beijing Book Fair 2016 BookExpo America 2016 London Book Fair 2016 Public Library Association 2016 National Education Association
Excerpt from Hollywood Treatment (by J. Tosh): Candlelight in a Storm features many exciting and visual film moments. The treatment below crafts many of them into a strong narrative with the momentum and rising action of the film. It will make a compelling story about life in Germany not often seen before in film. Logline: A Berlin girl struggles to survive during the Hitler regime and the post-war period after her escape from the Communist East to West Germany.
The visit to Miami, Florida in November was a memorable experience to me, a dip into the tropics away from Germany, the realm of eternal clouds with dawn and dusk ever in mutual eye contact. The scenery featured coconut palms and banana, with leaves 6 meters long. I faced a spotless clean city without hustle and bustle, in contrast to any other big city of the US. The natives, fluent both in English and Spanish, preferred the latter. My wife…..
Review (November 2015): In a time of war, chaos, and oppression, a gutsy young girl learns to survive, in this international saga penned by an admiring husband. For Renate Werner, the sounds of war began when she was just three, living in Berlin as the city came under fierce aerial bombardment. Even Hitler, the fanatical leader so many had followed so loyally, urged the remnants of citizenry hanging on in the city to flee. Renate’s mother Erika had everything planned, suitcases packed…but her…..
Author at the Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2015